
The CO2 tracking tool can be used along with any computing framework. It supports both online (with internet access) and offline (without internet access) modes. The tracker can be used in the following ways:

Online Mode

When the environment has internet access, the EmissionsTracker object or the track_emissions decorator can be used, which has offline parameter set to False by default.

Command line

If you want to track the emissions of a computer without having to modify your code, you can use the command line interface:

codecarbon monitor --no-api

You have to stop the monitoring manually with Ctrl+C.

Implementing CodeCarbon in your code allows you to track the emissions of a specific block of code.

Explicit Object

In the case of absence of a single entry and stop point for the training code base, users can instantiate a EmissionsTracker object and pass it as a parameter to function calls to start and stop the emissions tracking of the compute section.

from codecarbon import EmissionsTracker
tracker = EmissionsTracker()
     # Compute intensive code goes here
     _ = 1 + 1

This mode is recommended when using a Jupyter Notebook. You call tracker.start() at the beginning of the Notebook, and call tracker.stop() in the last cell.

This mode also allows you to record the monitoring with tracker.flush() that writes the emissions to disk or call the API depending on the configuration, but keep running the experiment.

If you want to monitor small piece of code, like a model inference, you could use the task manager:

    tracker = EmissionsTracker(project_name="bert_inference", measure_power_secs=10)
    tracker.start_task("load dataset")
    dataset = load_dataset("imdb", split="test")
    imdb_emissions = tracker.stop_task()
    tracker.start_task("build model")
    model = build_model()
    model_emissions = tracker.stop_task()
    _ = tracker.stop()

This way CodeCarbon will track the emissions of each task . The task will not be written to disk to prevent overhead, you have to get the results from the return of stop_task(). If no name is provided, CodeCarbon will generate a uuid.

Please note that you can’t use task mode and normal mode at the same time. Because start_task will stop the scheduler as we do not want it to interfere with the task measurement.

Context manager

The Emissions tracker also works as a context manager.

from codecarbon import EmissionsTracker

with EmissionsTracker() as tracker:
    # Compute intensive training code goes here

This mode is recommended when you want to monitor a specific block of code.


In case the training code base is wrapped in a function, users can use the decorator @track_emissions within the function to enable tracking emissions of the training code.

from codecarbon import track_emissions

def training_loop():
    # Compute intensive training code goes here

This mode is recommended if you have a training function.


This will write a csv file named emissions.csv in the current directory

Offline Mode

An offline version is available to support restricted environments without internet access. The internal computations remain unchanged; however, a country_iso_code parameter, which corresponds to the 3-letter alphabet ISO Code of the country where the compute infrastructure is hosted, is required to fetch Carbon Intensity details of the regional electricity used. A complete list of country ISO codes can be found on Wikipedia.

Explicit Object

Developers can use the OfflineEmissionsTracker object to track emissions as follows:

from codecarbon import OfflineEmissionsTracker
tracker = OfflineEmissionsTracker(country_iso_code="CAN")
# GPU intensive training code

Context manager

The OfflineEmissionsTracker also works as a context manager

from codecarbon import OfflineEmissionsTracker

with OfflineEmissionsTracker() as tracker:
# GPU intensive training code  goes here


The track_emissions decorator in offline mode requires following two parameters:

  • offline needs to be set to True, which defaults to False for online mode.

  • country_iso_code the 3-letter alphabet ISO Code of the country where the compute infrastructure is hosted

from codecarbon import track_emissions
@track_emissions(offline=True, country_iso_code="CAN")
def training_loop():
    # training code goes here

The Carbon emissions will be saved to a emissions.csv file in the same directory. Please refer to the complete API for additional parameters and configuration options.


Configuration priority

CodeCarbon is structured so that you can configure it in a hierarchical manner:
  • global parameters in your home folder ~/.codecarbon.config

  • local parameters (with respect to the current working directory) in ./.codecarbon.config

  • environment variables parameters starting with CODECARBON_

  • script parameters in the tracker’s initialization as EmissionsTracker(param=value)


Configuration files must be named .codecarbon.config and start with a section header [codecarbon] as the first line in the file.

For instance:

  • ~/.codecarbon.config

  • ./.codecarbon.config will override ~/.codecarbon.config if the same parameter is set in both files :

    save_to_file = true
    output_dir = /Users/victor/emissions
    experiment_id = 235b1da5-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-893681599d2c
    log_level = DEBUG
    tracking_mode = process
  • environment variables will override ./.codecarbon.config if the same parameter is set in both files :

    export CODECARBON_GPU_IDS="0, 1"
  • script parameters will override environment variables if the same parameter is set in both:


Yields attributes:

    "measure_power_secs": 10,  # from ~/.codecarbon.config
    "save_to_file": True,   # from ./.codecarbon.config (override ~/.codecarbon.config)
    "api_call_interval": 4, # from script
    "save_to_api": True,   # from script
    "experiment_id": "235b1da5-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-893681599d2c", # from ./.codecarbon.config
    "log_level": "WARNING", # from environment variable (override ./.codecarbon.config)
    "tracking_mode": "process", # from ./.codecarbon.config
    "emissions_endpoint": "localhost:7777", # from ~/.codecarbon.config
    "output_dir": "/Users/victor/emissions", # from ./.codecarbon.config
    "co2_signal_api_token": "some-token", # from script (override ./.codecarbon.config)
    "gpu_ids": [0, 1], # from environment variable


If you’re wondering about the configuration files’ syntax, be aware that under the hood codecarbon uses ConfigParser which relies on the INI syntax.

Access internet through proxy server

If you need a proxy to access internet, which is needed to call a Web API, like Codecarbon API, you have to set environment variable HTTPS_PROXY, or HTTP_PROXY if calling an http:// endpoint.

You could do it in your shell:

export HTTPS_PROXY=""

Or in your Python code:

import os

os.environ["HTTPS_PROXY"] = ""

For more information, please read the requests library proxy documentation