.. _usage: Quickstart ========== The CO2 tracking tool can be used along with any computing framework. It supports both ``online`` (with internet access) and ``offline`` (without internet access) modes. The tracker can be used in the following ways: Online Mode ----------- When the environment has internet access, the ``EmissionsTracker`` object or the ``track_emissions`` decorator can be used, which has ``offline`` parameter set to ``False`` by default. Command line ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to track the emissions of a computer without having to modify your code, you can use the command line interface: .. code-block:: console codecarbon monitor --no-api You have to stop the monitoring manually with ``Ctrl+C``. Implementing CodeCarbon in your code allows you to track the emissions of a specific block of code. Explicit Object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the case of absence of a single entry and stop point for the training code base, users can instantiate a ``EmissionsTracker`` object and pass it as a parameter to function calls to start and stop the emissions tracking of the compute section. .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import EmissionsTracker tracker = EmissionsTracker() tracker.start() try: # Compute intensive code goes here _ = 1 + 1 finally: tracker.stop() This mode is recommended when using a Jupyter Notebook. You call ``tracker.start()`` at the beginning of the Notebook, and call ``tracker.stop()`` in the last cell. This mode also allows you to record the monitoring with ``tracker.flush()`` that writes the emissions to disk or call the API depending on the configuration, but keep running the experiment. If you want to monitor small piece of code, like a model inference, you could use the task manager: .. code-block:: python try: tracker = EmissionsTracker(project_name="bert_inference", measure_power_secs=10) tracker.start_task("load dataset") dataset = load_dataset("imdb", split="test") imdb_emissions = tracker.stop_task() tracker.start_task("build model") model = build_model() model_emissions = tracker.stop_task() finally: _ = tracker.stop() This way CodeCarbon will track the emissions of each task . The task will not be written to disk to prevent overhead, you have to get the results from the return of ``stop_task()``. If no name is provided, CodeCarbon will generate a uuid. Please note that you can't use task mode and normal mode at the same time. Because ``start_task`` will stop the scheduler as we do not want it to interfere with the task measurement. Context manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``Emissions tracker`` also works as a context manager. .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import EmissionsTracker with EmissionsTracker() as tracker: # Compute intensive training code goes here This mode is recommended when you want to monitor a specific block of code. Decorator ~~~~~~~~~ In case the training code base is wrapped in a function, users can use the decorator ``@track_emissions`` within the function to enable tracking emissions of the training code. .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import track_emissions @track_emissions def training_loop(): # Compute intensive training code goes here This mode is recommended if you have a training function. .. note:: This will write a csv file named emissions.csv in the current directory Offline Mode ------------ An offline version is available to support restricted environments without internet access. The internal computations remain unchanged; however, a ``country_iso_code`` parameter, which corresponds to the 3-letter alphabet ISO Code of the country where the compute infrastructure is hosted, is required to fetch Carbon Intensity details of the regional electricity used. A complete list of country ISO codes can be found on `Wikipedia `_. Explicit Object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Developers can use the ``OfflineEmissionsTracker`` object to track emissions as follows: .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import OfflineEmissionsTracker tracker = OfflineEmissionsTracker(country_iso_code="CAN") tracker.start() # GPU intensive training code tracker.stop() Context manager ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``OfflineEmissionsTracker`` also works as a context manager .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import OfflineEmissionsTracker with OfflineEmissionsTracker() as tracker: # GPU intensive training code goes here Decorator ~~~~~~~~~ The ``track_emissions`` decorator in offline mode requires following two parameters: - ``offline`` needs to be set to ``True``, which defaults to ``False`` for online mode. - ``country_iso_code`` the 3-letter alphabet ISO Code of the country where the compute infrastructure is hosted .. code-block:: python from codecarbon import track_emissions @track_emissions(offline=True, country_iso_code="CAN") def training_loop(): # training code goes here pass The Carbon emissions will be saved to a ``emissions.csv`` file in the same directory. Please refer to the :ref:`complete API ` for additional parameters and configuration options. Configuration ============= Configuration priority ---------------------- CodeCarbon is structured so that you can configure it in a hierarchical manner: * *global* parameters in your home folder ``~/.codecarbon.config`` * *local* parameters (with respect to the current working directory) in ``./.codecarbon.config`` * *environment variables* parameters starting with ``CODECARBON_`` * *script* parameters in the tracker's initialization as ``EmissionsTracker(param=value)`` .. warning:: Configuration files **must** be named ``.codecarbon.config`` and start with a section header ``[codecarbon]`` as the first line in the file. For instance: * ``~/.codecarbon.config`` .. code-block:: bash [codecarbon] measure_power_secs=10 save_to_file=local-overwrite emissions_endpoint=localhost:7777 * ``./.codecarbon.config`` will override ``~/.codecarbon.config`` if the same parameter is set in both files : .. code-block:: bash [codecarbon] save_to_file = true output_dir = /Users/victor/emissions co2_signal_api_token=script-overwrite experiment_id = 235b1da5-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-893681599d2c log_level = DEBUG tracking_mode = process * environment variables will override ``./.codecarbon.config`` if the same parameter is set in both files : .. code-block:: bash export CODECARBON_GPU_IDS="0, 1" export CODECARBON_LOG_LEVEL="WARNING" * script parameters will override environment variables if the same parameter is set in both: .. code-block:: python EmissionsTracker( api_call_interval=4, save_to_api=True, co2_signal_api_token="some-token") Yields attributes: .. code-block:: python { "measure_power_secs": 10, # from ~/.codecarbon.config "save_to_file": True, # from ./.codecarbon.config (override ~/.codecarbon.config) "api_call_interval": 4, # from script "save_to_api": True, # from script "experiment_id": "235b1da5-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-893681599d2c", # from ./.codecarbon.config "log_level": "WARNING", # from environment variable (override ./.codecarbon.config) "tracking_mode": "process", # from ./.codecarbon.config "emissions_endpoint": "localhost:7777", # from ~/.codecarbon.config "output_dir": "/Users/victor/emissions", # from ./.codecarbon.config "co2_signal_api_token": "some-token", # from script (override ./.codecarbon.config) "gpu_ids": [0, 1], # from environment variable } .. |ConfigParser| replace:: ``ConfigParser`` .. _ConfigParser: https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html#module-configparser .. note:: If you're wondering about the configuration files' syntax, be aware that under the hood ``codecarbon`` uses |ConfigParser|_ which relies on the `INI syntax `_. Access internet through proxy server ------------------------------------ If you need a proxy to access internet, which is needed to call a Web API, like `Codecarbon API `_, you have to set environment variable ``HTTPS_PROXY``, or *HTTP_PROXY* if calling an ``http://`` endpoint. You could do it in your shell: .. code-block:: shell export HTTPS_PROXY="" Or in your Python code: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ["HTTPS_PROXY"] = "" For more information, please read the `requests library proxy documentation `_